Cognitive Battery
Battery of cognitive tasks written in python including GUI for push-button administration
This is the code base for the cognitive battry used in the lab. It is entirely written in python for use with PsychoPy. It includes tasks of memory, processing speed, fluid ability, verbal intelligence, working memory and executive function. There is also a graphical user interface facilitating adminsitration of the tasks. Each button also features a checkbox so you can easily keep track of what has beeen administered.
The specific tasks include:
- Selective reminding task, immediate, delayed, recognition
- Stroop color, word and color-word
- Wisconsin card sorting
- North American Reading Task
- Antonyms
- Matrix reasoning
- Pattern Comparison
- Digit span, forward and backward using a staircase adaptive difficulty design
- Letter based delayed match to sample
- Spatial dot based delayed match to sample
- N-back
The GUI is configurable, through edits to the code, to include or exclude as many tasks as you would like.
The code may be found here