Online Cognitive Battery
Battery of cognitive tasks for online remote assessment
This is a toolbox for flexible administration of cognitive and behavioral assessments. The toolbox is initially intended for the monitoring and diagnosis of age-related neurodegenerative diseases. The toolbox contains a suite of cognitive tasks that exist in the public domain, an interface for administering the tasks and a second for viewing, scoring, and interpreting results. Administration to a participant is possible in a face-to-face manner via a practitioner, e.g. nurse or research assistant, or remotely through a web browser.
The toolbox incorporates touchscreen and voice recognition technologies. The touch screen technology allows task administration via a smartphone or a tablet. Deployment on a tablet is useful for tasks that require drawing, e.g. clock drawing, cube copying. Voice recognition technology combined with audio recordings facilitates tasks that have been typically limited to face-to-face administration with an investigator, e.g. verbal learning tasks.
The software is organized to facilitate the translation of the toolbox to other spoken languages. This allows task delivery in any available language and facilitates translation into any language. Currently, English and French are available. The results interface is designed to facilitate multiple purposes. It provides results from a participant to the investigator as well as an interface for scoring of results that require human interpretation.
Currently implemented cognitive tasks:
- Stroop
- Color, Word, Color/Word
- Using Victoria or Golden scoring
- Word Recall -RAVLT
- Cancellation Task
- H
- Cube Copy
- Clock Drawing
- Matrix Reasoning
- ICAR items
- Card Sort
- Digit span
- Forward, Backward
- Using stop after two mistakes or staircase adaptive difficulty
- Trail making
- A and B
- Serial Subtraction
- Verbal Fluency
- Line Bisection
- Verbal delayed match to sample -Using staircase adaptive difficulty
- Spatial delayed match to sample -Using staircase adaptive difficulty