Model 6
graph LR;
A --> D1{ } --> C;
A --> D2{ } --> B --> D3{ } --> C;
W --> D1{ };
W --> D2{ };
W --> D3{ };
W --> B;
W --> C;
Its definition file
Setting up the models for analysis
Out = ['',B', 'C','']
In = [[],['A','W'],['A','B','W'],[]]
Inter = [ [[]], [['A','W']], [['B','W'], ['A','W']], [[]] ]
Estimating the regression equations
These are the regression equations that should be created from this process. dA means variable A with its mean removed
regstats(B,[A W dA*dW])
regstats(C,[A B W dB*dW dB*dW])