References to MatLab Code


  • This is the function that performs the regression
  • It cycles over the Direct and Interaction matrices to create the regression equations.
  • It then fits the regresson equations using the function ProcessRegStats
    • This function performs the actual beta value estimation on lines 15 to 17 as follows: design = x2fx(design); [Q,R] = qr(design,0); beta = R\(Q'*y);
    • The rest of the file performs a lot of statistical values using the beta values
  • The function contains a lot of info about handling the output files.
  • It then calculates the path values.


This function performs all analyses on a single data location.

  • It calculates the point estimate first on line 14.
    • The point estimate is the model fit BEFORE any bootstrap resampling is done
  • It also performs the bootstrapping here: